Auchtermuchty Pantomimes 2010 - 2018

Beauty & The Beast - 2010
This well known story of the arrogant prince who must learn to love another to break his curse.

Rob Roy the Panto - 2011
A pantomime with a Scottish twist. Och Aye tae the dame and the baddie can bile his heid.

Aladdin - 2012
A pantomime set in an exotic land with magic and princesses. What more could you need?

Jack & The Beanstalk - 2013
Magic beans are all we need to make this story grow.

Ali Baba - 2014
You had Abba, then you had an Abba musical now you have an Abba pantomime. This classic story with all the songs of Abba made this a fantastic pantomime.

Snow White - 2015
Back to wow the audience is Snow White, our 2015 production and last for our longest serving producer Liz Rowley.

The Good, The Bad & The Panto - 2016
In 2016 we travelled to Gravel in old west to Shirley's saloon. A gold mine, an adventure through the desert, a forbidden love and a baddie called El Loco, what's not to love?
With a host of memorable and hysterical characters, this original story sure was a fantastic ride! Yee Haw!

Babes in the Woods - 2017
Our first pantomime in over 35 years to be written by one of our members, Drew McCanney "Babes in the Woods or the Lost Boys of Auchtermuchty". This well know tale with a local twist was a treat. Producers Drew McCanney & Glynda O'Hara.

The Wizard of Oz - 2018
A sold out show produced by Jacqui Brand. A classic tale with all the characters you know and love. This show had some fantastic costumes, sets and had the whole audience bouncing!